Thursday, November 22, 2012

Artist Series Zhao of a dry skele

The several that is ground to leave, also still painful must be almost picked and got rid of by the system.
That, at the same time and the dead work properly the player that the master fights to have several 100 people at least, therefore small dry skeleton early drive pure of clean, even if because ache and the behavior come amiss and can't encounter fatal punishment, either, but this time, once coming amiss, so very may hang!
Leaf's maple light one breath, hope that own regulations value can rise a function.
Quietly, the leaf maple adds the spring of holding a life for he or she.
Is current of sitting and marking the position is not likely to avoid, also disallow oneself hides, in case of a move draw the attention of surrounding dry skeletons, that doesn't want to lift what beat BOSS.
Is wrinkly next eyebrows, leaf maple not the distance just polished off the little turtle Zhao of a dry skeleton soldier to come over and released an elegant spiritual influence for small guy and let the small guy surround surroundings at oneself.
If oneself really the words moved because of painful can ast least make the little turtle block several bottoms for oneself.
Is the whole to prepare to complete, leaf's maple controls dark Wu to work properly to toward dead to work properly a master to release a darkly gobble up.
------Pa!The number of harming immediately emitted out again, but dead work properly the master's life value to deliver more little, probably again lead in less than a minute, it will hang on the ground then explode an a lot of good things!
Looking at dead to work properly a master to all change gradually of blank of blood slot, the breath of leaf's maple falls calm, the vision scanned those players of distance not.
Suddenly, leaf's maple is tiny certain.
In the visual field, those positions of players, unexpectedly appear a figure for acquainting with.
"Does she how can come?"Leaf maple Zheng for a while.
However immediately, the dead works properly a master has never allowed a leaf maple to consider other affairs.
One Peng like hasty rain similar pinprick Shu however go to.
Sorcery bone needle!
Leaf's maple bit to grind teeth, this time sorcery bone the needle is more even intensive than seeming of last time!And and last time of suddenly release to too late avoid a dissimilarity to the leaf's maple rush, this time sorcery bone needle although having already anticipated, but bushily letting people can not avoid.
Being a burst of is slight of fricatives, several bone needle deeply of firm enter leaf's maple of full-length gown inside.
A string of number immediately brushed out, and attackstone all of a sudden each time although isn't high, sorcery bone needle excessive amount make people have no language, the life of leaf's maple was in a twinklingworth to also in a twinkling descend several hundred!
------Is very painful!
Painful feeling that tores heart crack lung spreads, last time, leaf's maple however won six sorcery bones needle pain of almost be picked and got rid of to go out, but this time, leaf's maple won more than tens at least!

Is two 350 is him,Artist Series, is her
Renew time:2009-4-250:25:24 chapter word numbers:3358

"Elder sister."Leaf's maple drive sorcery bone the needle just tied of time, old two don't observe his combat, old two that leaf's maple in lookinging at of positive Ping-hos also equally know of female player, beat to receive with her.
Whole body pure light skin thin Kai, the Yong permits but generous, shape picks Gao, since that is sexy and then noble, but take a to put on in the facial expression apathy quiet, have no that kind of supercilious refuse the person's rejection, make people able to realize to a kind of equanimity and the cool felling from her body.
The qualities of this female player matches her occupation very much, female evil sword private, noble but gorgeous, but at the same time again astringent equanimity.
Is positive such as old four they say, old two outward appearanceses are very handsome, but, compare his this elder sister, old two seem to be a bit inferior to, only, the of 2 people's eyebrow eye still keeps having some to allow likeness.
"Give you the material."The female sword private who just just came over sees old two a little bit showed unintentionally a to put on the emotion for loving, however also had several not well acquainted with felling of dividings, made people feel this to have no that kind of to younger brother Jie intimate had no the flavor of .
A burst of voice rings out, female sword private just want to put to up trade interface to old two materialses, suddenly, after death leaf maple at combat of inside the scope, he sent out the breath of a burst of rush,Beats Solo HD, and before, the more than ten sorcery bones needle shot leaf's maple for an instant, this for a while, even if change elephant in Chengkong University or Ultrasaurus, perhaps at this time will also painful must wildly absorb an air conditioner.
Really isn't generally painful, can make the guy of this thus true pain feeling, definitely and personally once realized this strong ache, not, even probably more even strong than this kind of ache!Even if is now the regulations have already far and far compared to fight last time high manily leaf's maple.Also still drive this kind of tores heart crack lung of pain feel increasing heart beats of molestation, this felling is so true, with as for leaf's maple is simply to judge.Designing 《bright 》 ground of that person of perhaps isn't a genius is an abnormal condition.
At this time, old two is trading with lately- come that female sword private, and they also drive leaf for a while getting a fright of the maple Xi, just arrived at here of seem in the female sword private's heart is thinking an affair, therefore she has never noticed in the beginning here still other players is fighting, but this under after discovering the existence of leaf's maple, her air immediately has some to amaze.
This doesn't blame her.Perhaps whole players that was 《bright 》 and whichever to experience through last time to offend city, all will to leaf maple in sorcery bone the needle not pour but surprise not already.
It is to open widely mouth to have been lookinging at leaf's maple to begin a ground of old midnight, sorcery bone needle, this is the sorcery bone needle, although is old three have never tasted drive firm is what taste, old at least three once saw other people drive firm, in old three impressionses, this pastor seems unique one after being tied by the needle have no disorderly move of person.
Not only don't move indiscriminately, old three discover that pastor unexpectedly still settled station at first, Be just absorbing of sob sort one breath.
Is this notter painful than person?
Is old three some border on stagnant Leng Leng.Say that the that fellow is legendary to have no pain to feel a person?
Old three doubtses are obviously incorrect, for 《bright 》 say, even if really have already had no pain to feel person's existence, virtually the technique completely can make that person feel various different touch as well.
Leaf's maple isn't not painful, but in the persistence, at face painful or stroke of time, the person's will usually owns than the body more strongly ability of easing the burden.
"Not the pain desire livings!"
Leaf's maple towards a dry skeleton bow hand that hurtles to he or she nearby to throw a pain, this a dry skeleton bow hand is just from a side move for a while of a , but it just a get into to detect the scope of leaf maple existence inside, detected judging of maple mankind of leaf,Beats by Dre Just Beats.
This all has no.Directly hurtled to come up to chop down to come over to leaf's maple.
"Darkly gobble up!"
Leaf's maple is wrinkly to knit the brows, simply toward dry skeleton bow of use to have to exclusively deal with dead to work properly a master ground recruit type..
One regiment black fog immediately fill the air to pass by.Start to present, close behind.Few seconds time quickly spends, a short while, the life value of that dry skeleton bow hand was as low as zero:00.
Along with dry skeleton bow the hand be worked properly by the dark Wu is almost a kill type ground to polish off, explode an a few props and some medicine water on the ground.
A dry skeleton bow hand works properly to the dark Wu to say to really don't calculate what, just a living creature of B class, meet ability and S class BOSS fight of control living creature, absolutely be only drive second for killing.The only regret.Is leaf's maple again again throw an after darkly gobbling up, magic value again ineluctable became 0:00.
Leaf's maple light one breath.The dead works properly the master's HP have already left not and arrived pretty much of a, if this kind of time again is some sudden affairses, that absolutely is make people thousand times depressed.
"Is him?"Leaf maple ground action just, when he prepared to defend dead to work properly a master to connect down ground to storm to he, just came over of female sword private but suddenly and in a soft voice floated from the lips two words.
"BE who?"Is old two heard a female sword a private the words of the light tone, tiny tiny one Zheng after, he also in a soft voice asked.
"Is him!"Drive female sword private reminded for a while, a fat Related articles:

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